Opportunity is Knocking
Read moreGetting Back To It
Getting Back To It
Read moreChoose to Kindle the Light
Choose to Kindle the Light
Read moreGifts That Keep on Giving
Gifts That Keep on Giving
Read moreRise and Shine with Daily Self-care
Rise and Shine with Daily Self-care
Read moreSnow Days on Binevenagh. Create a Life you Love. February Focus. Wellbeing Walks.
Snow Days on Binevenagh. Create a Life you Love. February Focus. Wellbeing Walks.
Read moreFocus, Discipline, Growth and Walking.
Focus, Discipline, Growth and Walking.
Read moreA Minimalist Lifestyle. Making Self-care a Priority. Calm at Christmas.
How have you been this week? Did you give any thought on what you could perhaps do to live a more minimalist lifestyle throughout November?
I have lots of ideas to share with you and will share one idea a day to our Instagram stories during November. If you would like to join me, please can I ask you to:
FOLLOW our page so that you see our stories each day.
AND if you decide to commit to the 30 day challenge, why not inspire others too by sharing some photos of your efforts to your own stories.
USE the hashtag #livemorevember AND tag NORTHSTAR WELLBEING. We will share too!
I really look forward to you joining me.
It has been a full week delivering Wellbeing Programs across the country. I am really passionate about this work and empowering people to practice more regular self-care. Each of us MUST make self-care a priority in our lives!
I wonder what self-care means to you?
When I asked some of my groups this question this week, it was great to hear about what others are doing to look after themselves. But I was also met with some blank faces too. Some individuals told me that there was little or no self-care in their lives. These are the people that I mostly want to empower. The good news is - we can all start where we are at and take the first step.
So whether you are practicing regular self-care or perhaps it is something new for you, here are some simple ideas what you could include or even begin with this week:
5 minutes of focused breathing each day;
Drink more water;
Move your body - walk/run/dance....;
Write down 5 things you are grateful for each day;
Soak in the bath with bubbles and aromatherapy;
Laugh - either alone and even better with a friend!
And if you love to laugh, you must try a Laughter Yoga class! If you are part of a group, why not get in touch and I can come to you. Laughter is a powerful form of self-care and the great thing about Laughter Yoga is that we can simulate Laughter through clapping, movement and eye-contact. No comedy or jokes are needed! Just pure connection and childlike playfulness.
And talking of self-care, here is a little something for you for the month of December. Why don't you join me or treat someone you love who you know would benefit from some kindness and self-care?
Calm at Christmas with Nuala at Northstar
Join Nuala for 24 days of wellness this Christmas.
Choose and enjoy a moment of peace, calm and joy each day during the festive countdown with:
a unique Herbal Tea, a daily Journal Reflection and a 5 minute Guided Meditation.
All for £24 (plus postage). Book your Calm at Christmas Experience now.
On receipt of your order, you will be sent your Pukka Days of Joy Advent Calendar before 1 December and will be added to a Private Whatsapp Group to receive the daily reflection and meditation.
Wishing you a good week ahead. Enjoy the Halloween Festivities and lots of self-care through the week - make YOU a priority.
Be well.
Nuala x